Vacation Come True! (Copy)
Mission: To provide wheelchair users in San Luis Obispo County, both residents and visitors, with access to Freedom Trax so that they can enjoy the beautiful beaches and trails of the Central Coast.
My name is Travis Jecker and I’m the founder of Positive Ride, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in San Luis Obispo County, California. Recently I was introduced to Freedom Trax, a battery-powered device which quickly converts a manual wheelchair into an all-terrain vehicle which can easily traverse sand, grass, dirt, gravel and more. For the past few weeks, I’ve been using a demo Freedom Trax on local beaches and trails and it’s been a game changer. I’ve been able to take my manual wheelchair to places I haven’t been since before my spinal cord injury in 2005. No more being confined to pavement and concrete!
Seeing how easy it can be for wheelchair users to access more of nature has inspired me to seek funding to purchase five Freedom Trax for Positive Ride. These Freedom Trax will be made available on a first-come, first served basis to wheelchair users in San Luis Obispo County, both residents and visitors, at minimal cost or no cost. No wheelchair user will be denied access to a Positive Ride Freedom Trax due to lack of funds.
Positive Ride will offer Freedom Trax to wheelchair users in the following ways:
*Upon request
*Scheduled group outings on local beaches and trails
*Through local hotels for visitors
The cost of each Freedom Trax is $6287 and the total for five units is $31,435.
We’re looking for individuals, businesses, and private foundations to fund one or more Freedom Trax so that wheelchair users in San Luis Obispo County can have more access to our beaches and trails.
Thank you for considering this request to help fund the Positive Ride Freedom Trax program. With your help, we can make a huge difference in the lives of wheelchair users and others with mobility disabilities in our community.
Travis Jecker
Please click on the button below to make your donation!